Sippy Cup Success!!

Our sippy cup journey started at 6 months of age. Since then we have invested in many different sippy cups, modified different sippy cups to no success. At Noah's first year visit we discussed our concerns with the Dr. As a mom I wasn't really sure how much of the sippy cup battle was due to Noah's palate or just preference. Our Dr. shared that it was most likely a preference issue and not a result of his palate. As of 11 months Noah had been showing a little more interest in the sippy cup but not enough to drink an entire serving of anything. He wasn't a juicer, or a water boy; he really just prefered milk. Our efforts didn't cease. We are so happy that at 13 months and 10 days we are successfully off the bottle and on a sippy cup only! Yahooo! Today marks 1 week since we stopped offering Noah the bottle and only offered his milk in his sippy cup and to our surprise he has taken all his milk without any problems. In fact, he seems to be more enthusiastic about drinking his milk than ever before. We are currently using the Born Free 12+ sippy cup with ehe valve. He is in love with it. We hope to introduce a straw cup over the next month. :) So long bottles!!!

Seems that all along it wasn't a cleft palate or palate repair issue....just a preference. Praise the Lord!

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