Fourth Month...solids

At four months old Noah was growing. He weighed 14 lbs and was about 22 inches long. He was still sporting bandaids and his distractors. We were counting down the weeks until his surgery. Despite his challenges Noah was a wild child. He was rolling from his tummy to his back and from his back to his tummy. He had even discovered how to scoot on his back.  We would lay him at the center of the room and find him against the wall. He was still feeding through the night although he now was only getting up once and every so often he would sleep through the night. The Dr also gave us the green light on solids. After much googling, I found that some cleft babies did better with solids than others. But overall most stories were positive; moms suggested that it could take baby a while to learn to move food past the cleft and down the throat instead of up the cleft. I also read about the big sneeze, a way of baby clearing up the nasal passage from the food. And so I jumped into solids with Noah and I was thrilled to see he took it so well. He had no issues and loved food. A handful of sneezes but not often at all. Noah got it quickly.

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