Month 9...Walk this Way

At 9 months Noah got to visit Florida and meet his grandpa. He does well as a travler over all. Nap time is our struggle still at times. I'm not sure why he still has such a hard time falling asleep at this point. If he is in his stroller, carseat, or in his crib he is perfect. If not...he has a hard time settling even in my arms. This is a very stressful situation. Otherwise, he is doing well.
At his check up he weighed in at 21 lbs and 27 1/2 inches long. Still short but a lot chunkier. He saw Plastics and scheduled his cleft palate surgery and will have ear tubes put in at the same time.
A week before celebrating 10 months...He walked. He took his first 5 steps and in a matter of a week he was attempting to walk across the room. Sometimes he is successful and well other times he trips. Not bad...I wasn't sure if I should really expect him to walk so fast but he keeps on surprising us. He also has been enjoying lots of table food. He does awesome with chunks and new textures so much so that we rarely puree anything for him. He loves to eat.
We are counting down till his next surgery...praying it will be the last.

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