16 Months...

(Noah doesn't wear glasses. He was just playing with moms.)

Happy 16 Months to our Smarty Pants! In a month Noah has grown a lot. At his check up he came in 65 percentile in height and 75 percentile in weight. He is growing beautifully. I am grateful to his Creator for this given that all the PRS sources I read described children who were small and often looked a year younger than their peers. I worried Noah would be the smallest kid in his class...this thought overwhelmed me at his birth and throughout each day of his first year. Every waken moment I thought on ways I could help him grow. But God's grace has been poured upon our Noah and we feel blessed.

So far Noah is adding more words to his speech and has repeated lots of things. I constantly bombard my school's speech therapist (I am a teacher.) and ask her for advice and activities I can do with him. I remind myself that each child develops speech at a different rate. We shall see how much his speech explodes over the next few months. He really has been repeating many many things and has added some new consistent words to his speech.  Here is the list.

Repeated words/phrases:
That's me.
nana (banana)

New words used often:
lele/eche (leche)

In other developmental milestones, Noah has ben using utensils (spoons, forks, sporks) during feedings.  He practically feeds himself 90% of the time. I have a hard time letting him do so most times because he is a very messy eater. Otherwise he prefers to feed himself. He also learned to use a straw cup. I was very worried about this but he accomplished it.  Noah now has a total of 8 teeth. Still no molars but it isn't stopping him from eating everything and anything. Noah has also combined his wave and the word "hello" when greeting people, often strangers. He enjoys saying hello and chatting on the phone or anything that looks like a phone. Noah has also begun to communicate effectively with a yes or no nod. Anytime we ask him a question, specifically during meal time, he nods no or yes. Super cute!

In fun news, our family traveled to the west coast on air and Noah (and his sibiling) did awesome. Noah surprises us often being a great traveler and explorer in training. :)

In a positive foreshadow, Noah now tells us that he pooped by touching his diaper. At home he rushes upstairs to his room. And when asked he nods yes and sometimes manages to say "yea." I hope this means painless potty training.

Over all, Noah is doing spectacular. He is scheduled for his next ENT appointment in late July and I shall be calling Plastics in the summer to schedule his check up for the end of the year.

We are grateful and humbled to be watching Noah grow happy and healthy. We know he is willful and  energetic but he is also very loving and heartwarming. To God be the Glory for our Noah!

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