14 Months

Noah turned 14 months at the end of February and he is one funny kid. He is learning so much and in turn teaching us a lot too. So far he is growing taller and chunkier. He loves to eat; my least favorite thing is how messy he is. I guess I got spoiled with his big brother being a clean eater. He has learn to roll a ball, throw a ball, and say the word ball consistently now. He loves to dance and spin. Noah loves to sit and look at books. He still has not fallen in love with TV or any particular movie. He recognizes who Elmo is and attempted to copy his song... "Lalalala...lalalala..." Noah loves to play instruments. He loves playing the piano, drums, guitar, and blowing his whistle. Noah understands "vamos a banar (let's go take a bath) and vamos arriba (let's go upstairs) and vamos a dormir (let's go to bed). He responds to all these and climbs up the stairs. He also has fallen in love with holding his own utensils...we are working on helping him learn to use them. He has the idea and has surprised us on how well he does with it. He has learned to point to YOUR nose when asked. He knows to show you his teeth and tongue. He has identified his hair and nose but won't do it everytime asked. Noah surprises us every day. He repeats lots of things even if he doesn't say it back everytime. These are just a few of the funny things he has done thus far.

We look forward to his 15 month check up in May. We also need to schedule another ENT appointment for the summer.

Noah loves playing with his brother Caleb. They truly melt my heart when they play. Noah is enjoying his time at Abuela's house when daddy works and his time with Daddy has him walking in a straight line. :)

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